Dr. Joseph Burchett
Dr. Burchett studies the evolution of galaxies and the larger scale structures in which they reside. As galaxies are bathing in vast reservoirs of gas in the circumgalactic, intragroup/intracluster, and the intergalactic medium, the exchange of matter and energy between galaxies and these media are a central focus of Burchett's research group. They use a variety of observational techniques from ultraviolet QSO absorption line spectroscopy to optical integral field spectroscopy, theoretical models (cosmological simulations and analytical models), and data visualization to characterize these galaxy-CGM/IGrM/ICM/IGM interactions.
Burchett is currently NMSU's Collaboration Council representative and has served as Commissioning Scientist in SDSS-V. He is active in the Black Hole Mapper Working Group on Galaxy Clusters. Burchett is also on the science teams for the Line Emission Mapper X-ray probe mission concept, which is currently in the Phase A proposal stage, and the Aspera NASA SmallSat Pioneers mission, which is currently preparing for launch with the goal of spectropic imaging of the CGM of nearby galaxies.
Current graduate students: