Campus Observatory

Check here 1 hour before the event to make sure it has not been cancelled!

For Spring 2025, we will be holding IN-PERSON events at the Tombaugh Campus Observatory as well as ONLINE events via Zoom using Tortugas Mountain Observatory! Please check the table below for the dates and times of the IN-PERSON sections and the ONLINE sections. 

The Zoom link for the ONLINE remote sessions will be sent out by your the Campus Obs TA a few days before the scheduled online event. 

Please NOTE - If an event is happening ONLINE via Zoom, there WILL NOT be an in-person event happening at the same time. 

Some professors may require you to fill out an observatory sheet per object viewed, which can be found here. It is the student's resposonability to bring these. The TAs will not have extras at the observatory. NOTE - you probably want to print 4 observatory sheets. 

Dates are listed below!

Event Date and Time
Tombaugh In-person Campus Obs Jan 23rd @ 8pm
TMO virtually via Zoom Campus Obs Feb 6th @ 8pm
CANCELLED Tombaugh In-person Campus Obs - CANCELLED Feb 13th @ CANCELLED
TMO virtually via Zoom Campus Obs Feb 20th @ 8pm
Tombaugh In-person Campus Obs Feb 27th @ 8pm
No campus Obs March 6th, March 13th, nor March 20th
Tombaugh In-person Campus Obs March 27th @ 9pm
Tombaugh In-person Campus Obs April 3rd @ 9pm
TMO virtually via Zoom Campus Obs April 10th @ 9pm
Tombaugh In-person Campus Obs April 17th @ 9pm
TMO virtually via Zoom Campus Obs April 24th @ 9pm
Tombaugh In-person Campus Obs May 1st @ 9pm


The Campus Observatory is located on Williams Street just to the south of the parking lots, and just in front of the track. It is set back from the street a bit, so look for three domed buildings.