Dr. Moire Prescott

- Galaxy formation and evolution
- Physical conditions and kinematics of the circumgalactic and intergalactic media
- Giant Lya nebulae and the growth of massive structures
- Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and AGN variability
- Dust and stellar populations in galaxies
Primary Advisor:
Kelly Sanderson (graduate) – Characterizing Extended Emission Line Regions Around Type II AGN
Audrey Dijeau (graduate) – Searching for Low Redshift Extended Emission Line Nebulae
Daniel Godines Alcantara (graduate) – Using Machine Learning to Find High Redshift Lyman-alpha Nebulae
Nora Nava (graduate, Physics) – Gas Physical Conditions around Fading Active Galactic Nuclei
Gavin Campos (undergraduate) – Searching for "Green Bean" galaxies in the DESI Legacy Survey
Agnar Hall (graduate) – studying the environments of Lyman-alpha nebulae using HST imaging
Sean Sellers (graduate) – searching for Lyman-alpha nebulae using intermediate-band imaging
Jodi Berdis (graduate) – emission line diagnostics in Lyman-alpha nebulae
Dominic Hernandez (undergraduate) – galaxy colors in Lyman-alpha nebulae
Alex Jenkins (undergraduate) – astronomical image processing
Arthur Cox (undergraduate) – emission line diagnostics in a Lyman-alpha nebula
Elena Fuentes (undergraduate) – Gas Physical Conditions in "Green Bean" Galaxies
Natalie Wells (undergraduate) – Galaxies in the Vicinity of Lyman-alpha Nebulae
Anokh Babbar (graduate) – galaxy properties in the vicinity of Lyman-alpha nebulae
Saul Hernandez (undergraduate) - studying dust in galaxies with JWST
Daniel Reyes (undergraduate) - studying dust in galaxies with JWST
Ethan Cichon (undergraduate) - studying dust in galaxies with JWST
ASTR 1115G (formerly ASTR110G) – Introduction to Astronomy
ASTR 400 – Undergraduate Independent Research
ASTR 401 – Topics in Modern Astrophysics
ASTR 402 – Introduction to Astronomical Observations and Techniques
ASTR 500 – Graduate Seminar
ASTR 555 – Galaxies I
ASTR 598 – Special Research Programs
ASTR 601 – Thesis Proposal Preparation
SELECTED RECENT PUBLICATIONS (student authors denoted by *):
- * Signatures of Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback Modes: A Green Bean Galaxy with 150 kpc Jet-induced Radio Emission, ApJ, Volume 971, Issue 1, 20 (2024)
- Prevalence of a growth mindset among introductory astronomy students, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 20, 010140 (2024)
* Brighter and More Massive Galaxies in the Vicinity of Lyα Nebulae, ApJ, Volume 941, Issue 2, 180 (2022)
- Using Multiple Emission Line Ratios to Constrain the Slope of the Dust Attenuation Law, ApJ, Volume 928, Issue 1, 71, 11 pp. (2022)
- * Mapping the Morphology and Kinematics of a Lyman-alpha-selected Nebula at z=3.15 with MUSE, ApJ, Volume 923, Issue 2, 252, 13 pp. (2021)
Understanding Ly-alpha Nebulae at Low Redshift I: The Sizes, Powering, and Kinematics of "Green Bean" Galaxies, ApJ, Volume 885, Issue 1, 40,
11 pp. (2019) -
A Massive Dead Disk Galaxy in the Young Universe, Nature, Volume 546, Issue 7659, pp. 510-513 (2017)
- Overturning the Case for Gravitational Powering in the Prototypical Cooling Lyα Nebula, ApJ, Volume 802, pp. 32-42 (2015)
- Spatially Resolved Gas Kinematics within a Lyα Nebula: Evidence for Large-scale Rotation, ApJ, Volume 799, pp. 62-76 (2015)
- A Successful Broadband Survey for Giant Ly-alpha Nebulae. II. Spectroscopic Confirmation, ApJ, Volume 762, Issue 1, pp. 38-45 (2013)
- Resolving the Galaxies within a Giant Ly-alpha Nebula: Witnessing the Formation of a Galaxy Group?, ApJ, Volume 752, Issue 2, pp. 86-110 (2012)
- A Successful Broadband Survey for Giant Ly-alpha Nebulae. I. Survey Design and Candidate Selection, ApJ, Volume 748, Issue 2, pp. 125-144 (2012)
- The Line Polarization Within a Giant Ly-alpha Nebula, ApJ, Volume 730, Issue 2, pp. L25-L29 (2011)
- The Discovery of a Large Ly-alpha+HeII Nebula at z~1.67: A Candidate Low Metallicity Region?, ApJ, Volume 702, Issue 1, pp. 554-566 (2009)
- The Overdense Environment of a Large Ly-alpha Nebula at z~2.7, ApJ, Volume 678, Issue 2, pp. L77-L80 (2008)