Samir Kušmić

Profile picture of Samir Kusmic

Personal Website




My interests are around Reionziation: whether it be galaxy, CGM, IGM, and so on. Currently, I am working with Dr. Kristian Finlator. Our research projects focus on all three: seeing how each affects the other as well as impacts due to Reionization processes and assumptions.

First-Author Publications

Meetings Attended

  • First Stars VII
  • AAS 242nd  Meeting
  • National Astronomy Meeting 2022
  • 37th Annual New Mexico Symposium
  • SAZERAC 2.0
  • AAS 233rd Meeting
  • AAS 231st Meeting

Teaching and Outreach Activities

  • ASTR 1115: Indroductory Astronomy
  • ASTR 1120: The Planets
  • Total Eclipse Viewing, April 8, 2024
  • School Visit (Mission Academy), February 15, 2024
  • Campus Visit hosted by TRIO Upward Bound, June 20, 2024
  • May the Fourth Be With You! @ Berino Elementary, May 4, 2024
  • STEM Family Night @ Cesar Chavez Elementary, April 20, 2023
  • NMSU Night at the Museums, 2022-2023