Webspace & Websites
Your Webpages
There are two main areas where you’re visible online in the department: directory page and personal directory.
All grad students have a page linked to the department website. You can find the link to yours from the AGSO site. There will already be some information filled in for you when you first arrive at the department, but it’s a good idea to update this as your research work progresses, and maybe post an updated curriculum vitae. Instructions on how to edit your department directory page can be found (See Zachary Edwards).
You also have a directory located at /home/httpd/html/username. This is a handy place to add files for your own websites (which you can link from your NMSU website). Anything you put here shows up online at astronomy.nmsu.edu/username. You can create pages for the courses for which you TA, and include class/lab policies, useful links, etc. You can also create or link your own personal page here.
Template TA Page
Not sure how to write a web page and you just want a simple one for your lab page? No problem! You can either use the basic syllabus or the slightly fancier template shown to the right.
To set up your own TA page, which will show up at astronomy.nmsu.edu/username, download the zipped tar file which contains the template page and images. Unpack the file in your personal web folder (/home/httpd/html/username) to get the HTML file and the images folder. Edit index.html using any text editor (like Emacs or vi) and change the information to match your class. Don’t forget to change the <title> tag before the main body of the file.
You can modify these images to your heart’s content. Every Linux machine has a graphics program called Gimp. You can open the header_paper.gif file and use the text tool to add whatever text you want.
If you want to have a lab page for more than one class, just change the name of the index.html file to ASTR110.html or to ASTR105.html, make a copy of the file, and change the name of the copy to the second class.
If you don’t want to use our template, there are plenty of free templates online that you can easily search. Not sure how to code HTML? These websites are some places to start.
- W3C HTML the World Wide Web Consortium’s official HTML website
- HTML tutorial from W3Schools
- HTML Primer from HTML Goodies
- HTML Codes: Table of ASCII symbols and characters
Useful Programs and Websites
In the course of doing work (or messing around), we all come across programs and web sites which are gems. Here are a few of the cool ones your fellow grads have found.
All Platforms
Mendeley Desktop Dropbox PuTTy VNC Evernote Ghostview Stellarium Skype Thunderbird Plot Digitizer |
Kile HEASARC software packages Burg Docky Banshee Deluge GIMP |
Carbonite Carbon Copy Cloner Chicken of the VNC TexShop TextWrangler Smultron Aquamacs Skitch SnagIt GIMP Seashore FITS Liberator |
Carbonite SnagIt winSCP OneNote Paint.Net Texmaker & MiKTeX Instructions for using two open source programs to edit and compile Latex SpeedLinux Cygwin Cygnome FITS Liberator |
Fourmilab’s calendar converter Plot Digitizer Google Analytics Overleaf Distrowatch.com GradHacker AstroBites VoxCharta Astrobetter Ars Technica Know Your Meme Superuser.com Stack Overflow |
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