Jason Jackiewicz

Dr. Jackiewicz is a researcher in the field of solar and stellar physics. He studies helioseismology, which involves using solar surface oscillations (sunquakes) to probe the Sun and determine its internal structure and dynamics. His work employs a combination of high-resolution observations, local helioseismology techniques, large-scale numerical simulations, and quantitative analysis of synoptic maps of subsurface solar properties. His primary goals are to address the root causes of solar magnetic activity and quantitatively establish physical relationships between subsurface properties and the magnetic activity observed in the solar chromosphere and corona. He is currently studying the meridional flows in the solar convection zone.
He also works in stellar seismology (asteroseismology) to understand theories of stellar structure and evolution. He is the PI of project to integrate a high-resolution spectrograph and new 1-meter telescope at Apache Point Observatory to make asteroseismic observations. This will be a part of a larger networks of identical facilities called SONG: the Stellar Observations Network Group. More information on the SONG in New Mexico webpage.
Finally, he is helping lead a project to measure oscillations on Jupiter with a newly constructed doppler imager that is installed on the Dunn Solar Telescope. More information can be found on the seismology group webpage.
Recent graduates
- Dr. Oana Vesa, PhD, 2024. "Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere Observed with the Dunn Solar Telescope."
- Dr. Aleczander Herczeg, PhD, 2024. "Applying Bayesian Methods to Local Helioseismology."
- Dr. Annie Hedlund, PhD, 2024. "Discovery and characterization of binary star systems containing a red giant pulsator as a testbed for asteroseismology."
- Cristo Sanchez, MS, 2024. Jovian Interiors Velocimetry Experiment.
- Dr. Ethan Dederick, PhD, 2018. “Seismic Inferences of Gas Giant Planets: Excitation & Interiors.”
- Dr. Jean McKeever, PhD, 2017. “Asteroseismology of Red Giants: The Detailed Modeling of Red Giants in Eclipsing Binary Systems.”
- Dr. Laura Mayorga, PhD, 2017. “The Orbital and Planetary Phase Variations of Jupiter-Sized Planets: Characterizing Present and Future Giants.”
- Dr. Meredith Rawls, PhD, 2016. “Red-giants in Eclipsing Binaries as Benchmarks for Asteroseismology.”
- Dr. Kyle DeGrave, PhD, 2015. “Time-Distance Helioseismology: Testing the State-of-the-Art for Investigating the Structure of Sunspots and Supergranulation.”
- Dr. Michael Kirk, PhD, 2013. “The Anatomy of Chromospheric Flares and Associated Ephemeral Brightenings.”
Current doctoral students
Fall 2024: ASTR 503
Spring 2024: ASTR 565
Selected recent publications (student authors denoted by *):
All publications(ADS)
The Abrupt Resumptions of Pulsations in alpha Cygni (Deneb)
Helmut Abt, Joyce Guzik, Jason Jackiewicz (2023)
Inferring the Solar Meridional Circulation Flow Profile by Applying Bayesian Methods to Time-Distance Helioseismology
Alec Herczeg*, Jason Jackiewicz (2023)
Multiheight Observations of Atmospheric Gravity Waves at Solar Disk Center
Oana Vesa*, Jason Jackiewicz, Kevin Reardon (2023)
Revisiting the delta Scuti star FG Virginis using Kepler K2 and TESS data
Joyce Guzik, Jason Jackiewicz, Anne Hedlund* (2022)
Solar-Like Oscillators in the Kepler Era: A Review
Jason Jackiewicz (2021)
Active red giants: Close binaries versus single rapid rotators
Patrick Gaulme, Jason Jackiewicz, Federico Spada, Drew Chojnowski, Benoit Mosser, Jean McKeever, Anne Hedlund*, Mathieu Vrard, Mansour Benbakoura, Cilia Damiani (2020)
Probabilistic Inversions for Time-Distance Helioseismology
Jason Jackiewicz (2020)
Properties of 249 delta Scuti Variable Star Candidates Observed During the NASA K2 Mission
Joyce Guzik, Jorge Garcia*, Jason Jackiewicz (2019)
An Analysis of Stochastic Jovian Oscillation Excitation by Moist Convection
E. Dederick*, J. Jackiewicz, T. Guillot (2018)
The Origin of Sequential Chromospheric Brightenings
M. Kirk, K. Balasubramaniam, J. Jackiewicz, H. Gilbert (2017)
Validation of Spherical Born Approximation Sensitivity Functions for Measuring Deep Solar Meridional Flow
V. Boening, M. Roth, J. Jackiewicz, S. Kholikov (2017)
A Possible Mechanism for Driving Oscillations in Hot Giant Planets
E. Dederick* and J. Jackiewicz (2017)
Internal Gravity Waves in the Magnetized Solar Atmosphere. I. Magnetic Field Effects
G. Vigeesh, J. Jackiewicz, O. Steiner (2017)
Testing the Asteroseismic Scaling Relations for Red Giants with Eclipsing Binaries Observed by Kepler
P. Gaulme, J. McKeever*, M. Rawls*, E. Corsaro, B. Mosser, J. Southworth, S. Mahadevan, C. Bender, R. Deshpande (2016)
Jupiter’s Phase Variations from Cassini: A Testbed for Future Direct-imaging Missions
L. Mayorga*, J. Jackiewicz, K. Rages, R. West, B. Knowles, N. Lewis, M. Marley (2016)
KIC 9246715: The Double Red Giant Eclipsing Binary with Odd Oscillations
M. Rawls*, P. Gaulme, J. McKeever*, J. Jackiewicz, J. Orosz, E. Corsaro, P. Beck, B. Mosser, D. Latham, C. Latham (2016)
Helioseismic Investigation of Modeled and Observed Supergranule Structure
K. DeGrave* and J. Jackiewicz. Solar Physics (2015).
Meridional Flow in the Solar Convection Zone. II. Helioseismic Inversions of GONG Data
J. Jackiewicz, A. Serebryanskiy, S. Kholikov. Astrophysical Journal (2015).
Superfluid amplitude fluctuations above Tc in a unitary Fermi gas
H. Li, J. Jackiewicz, K. Bedell. Physical Review B (2015).
Results of a Search for gamma Dor and delta Sct Stars With the Kepler Spacecraft
P. Bradley, J. Guzik, L. Miles, K. Uytterhoeven, J. Jackiewicz, K. Kinemuchi. Astronomical Journal (2015).
Qualities of Sequential Chromospheric Brightenings Observed in Halpha and UV Images
M. Kirk*, K.S. Balasubramaniam, J. Jackiewicz, R.T.J. McAteer. Astrophysical Journal (2014).
Time-distance Helioseismology of Two Realistic Sunspot Simulations
K. DeGrave*, J. Jackiewicz, M. Rempel. Astrophysical Journal (2014).
Meridional Flow in the Solar Convection Zone. I. Measurements from GONG Data
S. Kholikov, A. Serebryanskiy, J. Jackiewicz,. Astrophysical Journal (2014).
Validating Time-Distance Helioseismology with Realistic Quiet-Sun Simulations
K. DeGrave*, J. Jackiewicz, M. Rempel. Astrophysical Journal (2014).
Surface Activity and Oscillation Amplitudes of Red Giants in Eclipsing Binaries
P. Gaulme, J. Jackiewicz, T. Appourchaux, B. Mosser. Astrophysical Journal (2014).
Red Giants in Eclipsing Binary and Multiple-Star Systems: Modeling and Asteroseismic Analysis of 70 Candidates from Kepler Data
P. Gaulme, J. McKeever*, M. Rawls*, J. Jackiewicz, B. Mosser, J. Guzik. Astrophysical Journal (2013).
Solar H-alpha Oscillations from Intensity and Doppler Observations
J. Jackiewicz and K.S. Balasubramaniam, Astrophysical Journal, 765, (2013).
Forward and inverse modeling for jovian seismology
J. Jackiewicz, N. Nettelmann, M. Marley, J. Fortney, Icarus, 220, 844 (2012).